Hello everyone!
I am officially a rubbish blogger, sorry! I'm in the process of moving from a 2 bedroom flat to a room in a shared house, so most of my free time recently has been spent packing, cleaning and sorting my flat, and caring for a poorly chinchilla who's needed hand feeding every day for the last week and a half. He's looking a bit perkier now so fingers crossed he'll be okay!
Anyway. I thought I would do a quick (lol, 7 minute) video to show you guys how I store my polish. It's nothing fancy but it does the job. Kind of. In an ideal world I'd have a Helmer (and enough polish to fill it!) but for now, my £5 drawers from Morrisons will have to do. Do enjoy the Frank Turner in the background, too ;)
Let me know if you want to see anything from the video in more detail.
I am still planning to do the 31 day challenge, but that might have to wait now until after I've moved. Or I might start it on May 1st to do the 31 days in a 31 day month. It will be done soon though, I promise! ;)
Hope you guys are all well!
xox Kat